work personality assessment

discover your work self

 Develop a deep accurate understanding of your work personality. Build on your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses.

A Comprehensive Understanding of Your Work Personality

 How restless am I compared to top-performing Muslim young adults?

Can I balance between my anxiety and success in school?

Am I building enough social bridges?

Am I assertive enough?

What qualities would conflict with a potential spouse?

Why do I find praying difficult?

Which skill can kill my interview?

What personality trait I possess that can jeopardize my college app?

How important is working with people to me?

I love to help others, but not sure why I procrastinate when it comes to donating.

What limitations do I have in this digital era?

 What is Work Personality?


Building Youth Identity

Download the white paper for free here.

Identity refers to our sense of who we are as individuals and as members of social groups. Young people’s identities are shaped by lots of factors. We all have multiple dimensions that form our identity and define us. Building identity is a necessary step in reaching healthy human maturity and potential and in pursuing adult life and being an effective part of the society. 

The paper provides an overview on how one's identity is shaped, factors affecting our identities, the role of parents and educators, and techniques of building strong identities for different age ranges.

Why a Work Personality Assessment?

Ahmed could have gotten into Med school if it wasn't for that one oversight!

Mostafa could have started a much stronger career should he known the only trait that holds him back from his entrepreneurial successes.

Karim could have memorized 1/2 the Quran by now, if only he knew what clicked with him.

Lobna could have enjoyed high school much better, should she understood her anxiety earlier.

Hanan could have not settled for the job at a retail store and accepted the management role only if she learned about assertiveness.

Special offer for Youth Under 21, $250

Only $175

What Others Say

 "The personality questions, albeit simple, really forced you to sit with yourself and think about who you are."

Hude, 18

 "It's so accurate"

Muhsin, 15

 "Gives you a deeper understanding of your strengths and weaknesses and how you can use those to succeed "

Jannah, 17


What to Expect

30-min online self-administered computerized assessment


Comprehensive detailed 12-page report discussing (a) individual traits (b) total person description (c) how you stack against high performing Muslim young adults


30-min one-one online assessment with an experienced certified coach

Sample 1

Work Traits Analysis

Sample 2

Full Person Description

Sample 3

Abilities I  Interests  I  Personality


Only $225

Completed by more than 70+ Young Adults in 4 states

What is Special About the ILIA Young Muslim Personality Work Assessment

Islamic Principles - Muslim Young Adults Baselined - Leadership Oriented - Growth Focused

Personality tests are important as the world has evolved into a large web of interconnected agile ecosystems, and changes around us are very fast. This means that the quicker and earlier we learn about ourselves, the more successful we will become. 

Not only does the ILIA Young Muslim Adult Personality Assessment prove useful in showing individual strengths that enable a young Muslim adult to determine where their talents are best served, but also it provides an accurate and reasonable outlook and goal that aligns with a Muslim's value. 

Over the past two years, ILIA has baselined the assessment across dozens of high performing Muslim youth from both genders with diverse interests, races and backgrounds.

When individuals have a greater knowledge of their personality, they can discover careers and places that match their personality. 

Ayman Nassar

Founder of Islamic Leadership Institute of America (ILIA), he has over 30 years of experience in enterprise architecture, enterprise and individual transformation, youth development, project/program management and systems engineering & architecture where he managed over $0.3 billion in projects. 

Over the past 20 years he has coached, taught and counseled hundreds of youth and young professionals and has been a certified mentor and coach with Big Brother Big Sister, Lutheran Social Services, Dar Al-Taqwa, Prince George’s Community College Asian, Latino, African, Native American (ALANA), New Beginnings Youth Center, Howard County Detention Center and ILIA. 

He holds two Master degrees in electrical engineering, engineering management and systems engineering and hold certifications in half a dozen leadership areas. He has been trained in cultural competence, youth development, reentry, psychology, curriculum development and has devised over 200 courses and programs for youth and adults. 

Former faculty at University of California, Prince George’s Community College, Strayer University and Howard Community College, and invented numerous tools and methods for assessing and measuring performance.

Esraa Badr

Esraa is a positive youth development researcher at Islamic Leadership institute of America. She holds a MBBCh degree from Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Egypt with focused training in adult and child neuropsychiatry specialties combined with a neurology training in Selcuk University, Turkey. Currently she is a doctor at the Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt. She is focused on mental health issues affecting youth as part of her postgraduate studies in the High Institute of Public Health, Egypt. Esraa is also a member of the Mental Health Research Network in Egypt and has participated in several research projects on different mental health issues. She is a writer and health promoter about mental health affairs with special interest in parenting issues. Esraa also participated in many civil work projects targeting the public awareness about mental health affairs.